38 Weeks
Size of a Watermelon
approx. 7lbs, 19-22in
I’m at the point now that I can’t imagine going two more weeks! I think she is dropping because there’s more pressure and I’m finding myself doing the waddle haha.
craving water!
tylenol extra strength gets me through my work days.. I have 2 more shoots and 4 more school days (plus timesheets and progress reports and finalizing lesson plans phew!)
There’s a full moon tonight.. I made a hair appt, have to get my nails painted, pick up my new contacts, possibly a spray tan, order/buy gift from baby sis to Kinsley, and pack my bag and baby bag — just in case!
I found some really cute ideas on pinterest for sister gifts from the newborn- I hope I can get something together before the baby arrives!
Gray bought a mamaroo for Maclaren the other day at this store in Charlotte called Shower Me with Love. It was the most adorable store and great for gift buying! I found a replica of Kinsley’s beloved blankie and I will definitely be going back there for a couple of those and our double stroller purchase. I had hopes of the big items being in stock and thought we’d be okay waiting to get those purchases, but turns out it is taking about 3 weeks from our order date for it to arrive 🙁
We still need to get the car seat and bath out of storage, get the bassinet for our room set up, linens washed (I forgot about those when doing baby laundry), all of my post-natal gear and hospital robe out of the box in the closet, and make some lists in case when I forget those things.
At 39 weeks I get another exam and we’ll discuss inductions, etc. I’m so ready for this baby to be out and in my arms! I started picking out her hospital outfits and she is going to look SO adorable!
Hilarious with Kins in the background! Ha!