{Munchkins} Violet | 9 Months | Latta Park, Dilworth

Miss Violet is now 9 months old and looking SO adorable in her knit hat, Marc Jacob jeans and baby moccs. We met down at a little park with lots of natural area called Latta Park in Dilworth near their home. It turned out to be a gorgeous day despite the super cold and rainy days we had leading up to it. 9 months is the age where little ones start becoming independent and start noticing all the fun things around them. Miss Violet wanted to eat leaves, people watch, and just “go.” She’s super observant and you can just see those wheels turning in her head. I loved watching this family love and each other in between chasing a little baby haha. Check out Violet’s 6 month session here.

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Pink Tree, Anthropologie | Baby Jeans, Marc Jacobs | Gold Dot Dress, Target | Little tree, Ikea | Mama’s Boots, BCBG | Location, Dilworth

If you’re interested in a baby package for yourself or a friend, please contact me through the contact page or visit the investment page for more info!



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  1. What a beautiful family!!

  2. Beautiful!

  3. Beautiful!

  4. Christine Tarasovis Hancock

    Wonderful photographs..

  5. Love it!!! Violet is getting so big, such a cutie.

  6. Thanks for sharing these beautiful pictures. 9 months so soon.

  7. She's the cutest!!! Great pictures!

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