1. Find Photographer- save favorites on IG.
**What I look for in a photographer**- editing tones, editing consistency across different sessions they’ve posted, are they more moody or more light and airy?
How posed or un-posed are their images- do people look stiff?
Are the images authentic or structured? Or both?
What is their overall style?
How much creativity is coming through the images?
Is there movement?
Do the subjects look caught in a moment or told to smile— or else!
Is there variety of viewpoints or just wide shots with everyone posed and smiling?
What locations and backgrounds do they offer?
Does everyone wear a certain color scheme or style on their feed and is it one that I like?
How are they edited? Does it look like I gave a friend my camera and she hit the shutter. I want someone to elevate what I see.. I want people to know we had our photo MADE.
**Things to ask yourself-**
do I think my kids would have a hard time participating in this photo? If my kids don’t smile and look at the photographer, will I still get photos I like? Do I see myself in this photo and do I like how moms look (shot/posed/ edited)? Can this style last all year and for years to come?
**Sign up for their email list or turn on notifications when they post to know when they’re hosting their minis or posting their slots!